Real Vegetable Thai Green Curry – Try it!

Traditionally, all Thai curries were made with the same ingredients except for one thing: the chillies. Red curry was made with red chillies, while green curry was made with green chilies, and yellow curry was made with yellow chillies. In Thailand, these chillies have slightly different taste characteristics in addition to their color.


Green curry has been made ‘more green’ over the years with the addition of fresh coriander, lime leaf and basil. While many imagine that Thai curry paste grows on the Thai curry tree, in reality this vegetarian specialty is the result of efforts made by our specialists. These curries have preservative values and last for a long time. This special lip smacking delight is a pure pleasure for vegetarians.

Unbelievable Nutritional Value With Taste of Perfect Thai Green Curry

These are not only brimming in taste but also have a high nutritional value. Common ingredients such as turmeric, coriander, galangal, and basil have powerful antioxidants as well as Chilli pepper and coconut milk, two everyday ingredients in the Thai kitchen, being highly commended by heart specialists.

What are the Main Ingredients of the Vegetable Green Thai Curry?

Capturing the essence of Thai food requires a handful of special ingredients that you are not likely to have in your kitchen. This blend of plants is called Thai curry and contains natural preservatives while providing strong medicinal properties.

Here is a list of ingredients with their medicinal value.

• Kaffir Lime Leaves – antioxidant, digestive, cleans the blood, healthy teeth and gums, prevents hair loss, deodorant.

• Lemongrass – sedative, detoxifies the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract, reduces uric acid along with blood pressure, cholesterol, excess fats and other toxins, and stimulates digestion, blood circulation, and lactation.

• Galangal Root – reduces the fishy smell of foods, stimulates digestion, alleviates motion sickness and nausea, and reduces inflammation of the stomach and ulcers, boosts the immune system, treats colds and flu, reduces fever and rheumatism, and freshens the breath, antibacterial.

• Coconut Milk – contains high quality fatty acids along with high Omega-3 coconut oil. boosts the immune system, regulates metabolic functions, and lowers cholesterol, reverse the aging process.

• Thai Basil – contains volatile oils Cineole, along with Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Magnesium, prevents DNA damage in white blood cells, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

• Thai Sugar – high concentrations of certain minerals.


Nothing in this world can beat the authentic flavor of Vegetable Thai green curry. This lip smacking dish is sure to please not only your eyes but also your taste buds. Once you taste our very special vegetable Thai curry you are sure to bounce back every weekend.

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